This Holi, let’s spread colours of charity by fighting hunger in Mumbai

On this auspicious occasion of Holi, we would like to welcome this festival by expanding our
reach and providing food relief service to more and more children with hot nutritious meals.
As every family in India celebrates Holi, let’s also take a moment to think about the
households where the joy of this festivity is absent. So, let’s make sure that the colour of
kindness reaches their face and brightens up their festival with food for children

When it comes to Food donation in India, Holi is the best time to donate food to children,
something that largely attracts the countless number of children who do not know where
their next meal is going to come from. This Holi, why not let food be the means to enlighten
someone’s life? The best act of charity is fighting hunger in Mumbai. Make the most of it by
participating in a daily feeding program organised by NGOs and philanthropic groups on a
mission to end hunger in Mumbai.

Without access to nutritious food, vulnerable populations have low immunity levels, which
makes them susceptible to sickness. Thus, access to nutritious food is a form of preventive
medicine in itself. This festive season spread joy with colours of charity by joining various
daily feeding programs. Be a part of our mission of fighting hunger in Mumbai by contributing
food for children that study in municipal schools, live on the streets. They’re forced to beg to
fill their stomachs. They’re malnourished and suffer from various diseases. Reports show
that Maharashtra has the highest number of malnourished children amounting to almost 12
lakhs. Even two square meals seem like a dream to them. This is not a life their parents
must have imagined for them.

But you can change this.

Akshaya Chaitanya is an NGO in Mumbai that works relentlessly to make food accessible to
the needy across the city by serving them hot, nutritious, locally palatable meals prepared at
their state-of-the-art FSSAI compliant kitchen. We believe that feeding the hungry is not the
goal, instead, it is the means to the goal. By feeding thousands of hungry souls, we want to
give them a conducive environment so that they can follow their dreams and unlock
opportunities that offer them a chance to live an equal life in society.

Holi as a festival is symbolic and reminds us that we need to burn away our negative
thoughts and traits that hamper our evolution and growth. Similarly, hunger is one such evil
that needs to be burned down with joint efforts from each and everyone who is blessed with
abundance so that food relief services are taken more seriously in society. It is only possible
through awareness that more and more people join to be a part of food donation drives in
Mumbai and India so we as a society become enabled to fight hunger in Mumbai.

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