Tackling Classroom Hunger: Why Corporates Must Choose Fighting Hunger asthe Cause for Their CSR Initiative

"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world." – Nelson Mandela

According to a recent survey conducted by Akshaya Chaitanya  for students
from class 1 to Class X across BMC schools in Mumbai, the results were startling to see that
of students from I STD to X STD around 68% were found to Underweight.  62% students
survive on a cup of tea and 18% do not have anything in breakfast

In today's world, where education is hailed as the key to progress and empowerment, it is disheartening to witness the persisting issue of classroom hunger, affecting not only the immediate well-being of children but also hindering their long-term educational success.
To truly empower our future generations, it is imperative that we prioritize the eradication of classroom hunger as a crucial corporate social responsibility (CSR) initiative.

Statistics Speak Louder Than Words:

According to recent statistics from the survey we conduced across Government schools:
  1. Our 1 st feeding initiative Bal Shiksha Ahara, has resulted in improved
    classroom attendance by up to 22%. This program is dedicated to providing breakfast and
    lunch in municipal schools & has ensured zero classroom hunger for 8,050 children across
    102 schools in Mumbai.
  2. Our 2 nd feeding initiative, Paushtik Ahara focused on feeding slum children
    studying under the School on Wheels program, resulted in 40 children being enrolled to
    formal education in BMC.

Our feeding initiatives for children improves the quality of their education along with their
physical & psychological health.

Embracing Corporate Social Responsibility:

Now, more than ever, corporates have an opportunity to make a lasting impact by addressing classroom hunger through their CSR initiatives. By partnering with NGOs like Akshaya Chaitanya, corporate organizations have the power to contribute in building a hunger-free society and nurturing the minds of our future leaders.


Behind every statistic lies a human story—a child whose potential is unleashed when their hunger is alleviated, a parent whose worries are eased when they know their child is receiving a nutritious meal. Imagine the joy in the eyes of a hungry child as they taste a warm meal, the relief in the heart of a parent who sees their child thriving despite challenging circumstances. These are the emotions that fuel the importance of fighting classroom hunger, the emotions that drive us to action.

Tackling classroom hunger is not just about providing a meal; it is about nurturing the hopes
and dreams of children, empowering them to break the cycle of poverty, and building a
brighter future for our society. By choosing to address classroom hunger as part of their CSR
initiatives, corporates can make a profound difference in the lives
of countless children, opening doors of opportunity and transforming communities.

Together, let us stand as beacons of change, united in our commitment to eradicate classroom
hunger and create a world where every child has the nourishment they need to thrive and

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